
Wii Still Capturing Retail Attention!

Yesterday night I was skimming the gamer news on Google News feed. I noticed a story saying that Circuit City had advertised in Sundays circular, they were to have Wii's gauranteed upon opening Sunday morning and vouchers were going to be given away one hour before open. Sure, I thought to myself, the hype must be dead bye now? Right?


I got up this morning to check the Sunday paper for myself and sure enough, page 9. Wii's available today and all that stuff about vouchers were also on the page in fine print. So I took a detour on the way to church just to see with my own eyes. There they were. Must have been about 15-20 people in line with folding chairs and coffee waiting patiently for the doors to open.

It's been four months since the Wii debuted in North America! I had to really hunt hard to get my Wii in December but I never thought the struggle would continue into the spring months. Good for Nintendo. They have created something truely innovative. I play almost everyday with my Wii and I love it. Sometimes just for a few minutes to check my Wii Sports fitness age and other times to bust open a round on Streets of Rage with the Virtual Console. I really think this is what Nintendo had in mind. Get people to play incrementally everyday. But I also have sat down for hours on end playing Zelda. Great for hardcore and softcore gamers alike. My wife even plays with the Wii when I'm not around. Hmm...

Sounds a little dirty. And I like it!

Tom Schriner

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