
A Great 2008 Holiday Season for Games

It's been a LONG time since I posted here. I've been busy working on my business, Subo Design and Red Pill Designs, but needed to write something.

I, like many humans, have noticed the World economy going to shit. It's a tough time for many in the world. I have also noticed that this has so far not affected the gaming world like it has almost everything else. Games are still flying off shelves, the Wii was again the number one gaming console this season and the DS Lite was the number one portable again. Great news for Nintendo. Other games doing well are Halo 3, Rock Band 2, Guitar Hero World Tour, Call of Duty, Wii Fit, Animal Crossing, Wii Music and Gears of War 2. What's more amazing are the games that have been around what seems like forever that continue to sell in bug numbers! For the week ending December 19th, 2008, Mario Kart Wii sold over 900,000 copies worldwide on its 37th week in release. And New Super Mario Bros. for the DS sold over 500,000 copies in its 136th week! What? I know. It shows that new gamers continually buy the DS Lite.

Also of note, is the fact, that Wii Sports will soon take over the Number One spot of best selling game of all time. Of course this number does include bundled software. But so did the current number one, Super Mario Bros. Right now Super Mario is at 40.24 million and Wii Sports is at 39.68 million. It will be just a couple weeks when we have a new number one. If you would like to check out some numbers for yourself, go to VG Chartz.

We'll see if the gaming community can continue to push through this tough time for the world economy. Only time will tell.

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